Image: Image for the entry: Boarding school in Calulo
Image: KHFessl

Boarding school in Calulo

The reality of life of most girls and young women from the surroundings of Calulo is dismaying. In many cases, they have no prospects for the future and no opportunity to educate themselves at school or at work. They often become victims of violence and sexual abuse in childhood, are forced into marriage and usually have their first child at the age of 15. In the event of the death of both parents, they often have to care for the orphaned siblings. For these reasons they stop attending school.
To help these girls and young women and improve their situation, the Don Bosco sisters founded a girls' boarding school in Calulo.
In this boarding school the girls are offered the following:

  • Attendance at the kindergarten
  • School attendance up to the 12th grade
  • Vocational courses, e.g. computer science courses
  • Accommodation, food, clothing
  • School materials
  • Everything they need for life.

Currently, 15 girls between the ages of 9 and 20 live in this boarding school. All come from very remote villages where there are no schools. Many of them come from large families or are orphans.
The boarding school in Calulo offers these young girls a future perspective and a safe home. They get the chance to shape their own lives and look to the future with hope.
IniciativAngola supports the boarding school with 3.000 Euro annually, with the help of donations and the proceeds from the Rock4Angola concert.

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Image: Image for the entry: Boarding school in Calulo
Image: IA
