Image: Image for the entry: Sponsorship for priests
Image: DHartung

Sponsorship for priests

By sponsoring a priest, IniciativAngola supports the formation of young people who have decided to become priests in a Salesian community.

Since the possibilities for studying theology and philosophy in Angola are very limited, the young candidates for the priesthood must go to another African country, Mozambique and/or Congo, for formation. Within the framework of this program, we contribute to the school fees and other study expenses and enable the purchase of the necessary study material.

Currently, a candidate for the priesthood, Fernando Pascoal, is being sponsored.

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Image: Fernando Pascoal
Image: FPascoal

Fernando Pascoal

Image: Image for the entry: Sponsorship for priests
Image: FPascoal
Image: Image for the entry: Sponsorship for priests
Image: FPascoal
