Image: Image for the entry: Literacy project
Image: KHFessl

Literacy project

Although there is a compulsory primary school system in Angola, the illiteracy rate is still very high, with about 29% of Angola's adult population, especially women, unable to read and write. These people have not been able to attend school because of the long civil war. Therefore, literacy courses for women and an evening school for adults are offered in three school centres in Luena, Calulo and Dondo.
In the course of a year, the participants should be familiar enough with reading and writing to be able to attend the 2nd class of the evening school for adults in the following year without any problems. The literacy courses take place from Monday to Friday from 13.00 to 17.00. The participants learn writing, reading and arithmetic by means of fine motor exercises. In addition, they learn to respect themselves and to make self-confident economic and social decisions. People are also encouraged to think about their own future and formulate their own goals. Topics such as household management, hygiene, health care and how to deal with the household budget are addressed.
Since there are no schools in the villages, the lessons take place in the village chapel or outdoors.
After passing the final examination, the participants receive a state-approved certificate with which they can advance to the 2nd class of the evening school.
During the project, the literacy teachers meet six times a year for seminars lasting several days in one of the mission centres. There, under the mentorship of the Salesians or the Don Bosco Sisters, experiences are exchanged and didactic teaching methods deepened.
IniciativAngola pays the salary of the teachers who teach the people in the villages to read and write. A teacher receives 100 Euro per month.

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Image: Image for the entry: Literacy project
Image: KHFessl
Image: Image for the entry: Literacy project
Image: KhFessl
Image: Image for the entry: Literacy project
Image: KhFessl
